Acute Renal Failure Acute kidney diseases are characterized by abrupt onset of kidney related symptoms with or without decrease in kidney function. Which come up in day to week time and must often recovers in 3 months period. It is a clinical syndrome characterized by abrupt onset and rapid deterioration of kidney function(GFR), progressing over day to weeks resulting in accumulation of waste products like urea,creatinine and potassium etc.This must often recovers fully. Acute kidney failure is commonly associated with aliguria(urine output of( <500 ml/24hrs) In small number of patients however urine output may be normal or increased Causes of Acute Renal Failure ➤ Pre renal acute kidney injuries: Decreased blood supply to kidney. Abnormality before kidney: heart failure or condition with loss of blood volume due to hemorrhage. ➤ Intra renal acute kidney injuries : abnormalities within kidney. ➤ Post ren